
Blogs about Fitness Training

6 Exercise Principles That Are NECESSARY For Fat Loss

There are many reasons someone might embark on a fitness journey: general health, enjoyment, to build strength, to build endurance, speed training, enhance sports performance, fat loss, and more. Achieving certain fitness goals is more difficult than others. Enhancing sport performance, increasing speed, and building strength are some of the more difficult fitness goals to achieve.


Standing on Two Feet: Balance Training Progression Exercises

In last week’s blog post about Balance from the Ground Up, we provided a simple exercise for opening up and providing proprioceptive input to the feet. This week, I am building on that foundation with a series of deceptively simple exercises that you can do to improve your proprioception while developing foot, ankle and calf strength.


Physical Therapist's Role in Osteoporosis Management

Bone density peaks for women around age 18 and in the early 20s for men. Women begin to rapidly lose bone density during menopause. After menopause, bone density losses taper. It is during this time that women are at risk for developing osteoporosis. New guidelines have been released by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) on physical therapist's management of osteoporosis...


Balance from the Ground Up: Start with Your Feet!

Did you know that each of your feet has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments? And you have more than SEVEN THOUSAND nerve endings in each foot? The foot provides both important structural support for our balance and a ton of subconscious information for our brain about where we are in space and how to organize our movement.


Integrating Physical Therapy and Fitness Training for Better Balance!

Balance is something often taken for granted until it is gone. Whether you suffer from a sudden physical injury or simply notice that things you used to do are getting harder over time, losing your balance can affect your quality of life. In some cases, it can even shorten your life.


IGNITE YOUR CORE! Activcore Now Offers Pelvic Fitness Classes!

Join a pelvic trained physical therapist virtually every Tuesday morning from the comfort of your own home. Strengthen your deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor, as you are guided through specialized exercises that improve bladder control, pelvic support, strength, posture and balance. Learn more...


Suspect a Concussion? Know the FAQs

Over the last several years concussions have been gaining more attention in the sports realm and media. While there is a lot of new information out in the ether about how to treat a concussion; unfortunately, there is also a lot of out-dated advice available. If you think you’ve sustained a concussion from a sports injury, car accident, fall around your home or some other way, you will benefit from physical therapy to address your injury and any concussion symptoms you may be experiencing.


Relieving Chronic Pelvic Pain with Yoga

Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a multifaceted condition affecting 20% of women in the United States. Treatment includes pharmacological interventions, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. Studies have shown that yoga is an effective intervention to help both improve pain and quality of life in women with CPP. ‍Many times those suffering with chronic pelvic pain experience high levels of both anxiety and stress.


As a New Mom, When is the Ideal Time to Start Running Again?

Although many articles commonly warn new moms that running too early postpartum can cause various complications and is not advised, this does not apply to every woman across the board. Every woman’s body is different and each will not only have a different recovery process, but also variations in their previous baseline of running prior to giving birth.


Gyro What? Understanding the Gyrotonic Expansion System

When Activcore and CORE merged earlier this year in Atlanta, we introduced a new movement method to our suite of services: the Gyrotonic Expansion System®. This system has two parts: 1) Gyrotonic® exercise which is performed on specialized equipment, and 2) Gyrokinesis® work which is performed on a chair and/or mat.‍ If you’ve been at Activcore lately, you might have seen the equipment in our back room. The Gyrotonic® equipment uses a system of weights and pulleys to simultaneously offload body weight, similar to the Redcord suspension system.

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