Men's Health

Blogs about Men's Health

Under Pressure: How Should I Breathe When Lifting Weights?

Intra-abdominal pressure is the pressure within the abdominal cavity created by the interaction between the abdominal wall and organs. This pressure changes with breathing and the resistance from the abdominal wall. When you are lifting an object or even lifting a limb, you increase intra-abdominal pressure.


How Can Physical Therapy Help Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) may occur anytime after the age of 20. By age 40, the prevalence increases by 10% each decade. ED can be caused organically such as vascular and neuro dysfunctions, post surgical, post trauma, hormones, and medications. ED can also be due to psychological dysfunction, age, pain-related, activities, situational, and behavior.


Gearing Up Your Gut For The Holidays

As November arrives, we all know the holiday season is just around the corner, whether we are prepared for it or not! With the holidays come various stressors, late-night festivities, indulgent eating, and perhaps a bit too much drinking. All of these can leave us feeling less than our best. By implementing some straightforward practices, you can keep your gut in top shape and truly savor this special time of year!


The Male Anatomy has a Pelvic Floor?

‍‍Yes! If you have a pelvis, you have a pelvic floor which means that there is opportunity for that pelvic floor to be dysfunctional. The male pelvic floor has two fewer muscles than the female pelvic floor. There's also the prostate. But otherwise, the muscular anatomy is largely the same. Believe it or not, male and female anatomy have the same amount of erectile tissue!


From Groin Groans to Pelvic Pleasantries: How Pelvic Floor PT Steals the Show

Picture this: a clandestine world of pelvic pain, shrouded in secrecy and often deemed the domain of women. But wait, men also find themselves entangled in this web of discomfort. It's time to bust open the pelvic pain myth and bring pelvic floor physical therapy to the center stage! So grab your seat and get ready for a hilarious journey as we unravel the comic complexities of male pelvic pain and discover how pelvic floor PT can save the day.


Enhancing Men’s Health with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy 

Pelvic floor physical therapy treatment has been associated with treatment for women especially since the pelvic floor is directly impacted from childbearing and birthing. However, men can also benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy. This blog will discuss some of the symptoms that men may experience in the pelvic floor that can be addressed by a pelvic health physical therapist.


Boost Your Bone Health with Kettlebell Training

As a Performance Specialist at Activcore, I frequently get questions from my clients about bone density and ways to improve it (or at least maintain it). Building strong, healthy bones is essential for overall well-being and longevity. While traditional weightlifting has long been associated with bone-building benefits, Kettlebell training offers a dynamic and effective alternative.


2 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make To Improve Performance and Prevent Injury

In my last blog, I talked about the importance of cross training to prevent injury. Now I would like to talk about two additional factors for improving exercise performance and preventing injury: sleep and hydration. ‍“Get 8 hours of sleep a night!” and “Make sure you are drinking enough water!” are phrases we probably hear more often than we can count. Yes, these are important habits to build and maintain for our overall health, but let’s talk about WHY they are so important.


Treating Low Back Pain: Medication vs Exercise?

Instant gratification is all around us every single day. We get our news immediately from our phones. Our meals come prepared and ready to heat up and eat in several minutes. And we get anything we want from Amazon with literally the click of a button. Our world is moving so fast compared to years ago. So why would recovering from a lower back injury be any different?


How to Maximize Your Recovery Outside of Physical Therapy

Pain is often caused by an inflammatory process of some type causing an irritation in a tissue like a bone, muscle, tendon, or ligament. When seeing a PT, you’re usually assigned exercises to address your goals. Typically these goals are oriented around reducing inflammation and optimizing movement function. But exercises aren’t the only thing that can assist with achieving your goals.

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