Pelvic Health

Blogs about Pelvic Health

How Do I Know If My Child Is Constipated?

Constipation plays a big role in bladder and bowel functioning. So ruling it out should be one of the first things to do. But how do you know if your child is constipated? You may think of constipation simply as having difficulty pooping or having to strain significantly. While these can be indicators of constipation...


Is This Normal? Bladder Functioning Clarified

When it comes to your bladder, have you ever wondered, is this normal? Most of us have asked ourselves that at some point in our lives, especially after having a baby, surgery, or any injury. As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I've been asked that question countless times. So here's a breakdown of urinary habits and functioning: what is normal, what is not, and what we can do about it.


Preparing for Sex Postpartum

You just returned from your 6-week follow up appointment with your medical provider and they cleared you to return to activities and sex. What are the first thoughts that go through your mind? Are you excited? Or hesitant? Maybe nervous or scared? Some moms are thrilled and get right back to it. Great! BUT the majority are on the other side...


Low Pressure Fitness: Pelvic Health 2.0

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a prevalent health concern that can impact people of all genders and ages. While there are several approaches to address this issue, one emerging practice that takes pelvic health to a new level is called Low Pressure Fitness (LPF). As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I will often implement LPF into my plans of care...


When Can I Begin Exercising After Having A Baby?

Many people who give birth are ‘cleared’ at either 6 or 8 weeks by their medical provider. However, there is often a lot of confusion about what exactly someone is cleared for at that early postpartum checkup. Many people have questions about when they can resume exercising and often interpret that 6 or 8 week checkup as the green light to start their pre-partum exercise routine.


How Can Physical Therapy Help Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) may occur anytime after the age of 20. By age 40, the prevalence increases by 10% each decade. ED can be caused organically such as vascular and neuro dysfunctions, post surgical, post trauma, hormones, and medications. ED can also be due to psychological dysfunction, age, pain-related, activities, situational, and behavior.


Don't Let The Holidays Sabotage Your Pelvic Floor

The winter holidays are a special time of year for many. They are filled with family get-togethers, delicious treats, and heart-warming traditions. For as sweet and jolly as this time of year can be, it can also be a sneaky pelvic floor saboteur! Watch out for the following things around the holidays so you can be prepared to keep your pelvic floor happy...


"Did My Vagina Just Fart?”

Vaginal flatulence, queefing, or farting from your vagina. These are all the same thing and can take you by surprise when you're moving through a yoga class. So what is vaginal flatulence? Is it actually gas like what passes through your rectum? Short answer: vaginal flatulence is when air that is trapped in the vagina is released. It is not created by digestion but rather by air that gets trapped as we move through space.


Balloon Training for Fecal Incontinence: A Breath of Fresh Air

Fecal incontinence is often considered a taboo topic, even though it is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This topic can be a source of embarrassment, social isolation, and decreased quality of life. But fear not. For in this blog, we are going to explore the concept of balloon training for fecal incontinence and sprinkle in a little humor, because sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.


How You Breathe MATTERS When It Comes To Your Pelvic Floor

How we breathe is primarily controlled by the diaphragm, along with other accessory muscles of respiration. You have probably heard of the diaphragm before. It's the muscle that has something to do with how you breathe, right? While the diaphragm is a critical part of our lives for respiratory function, it is also a critical part of our pelvic health too!

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