
Blogs about Posture

What Does Breathing Have To Do With My Pelvic Floor?

You may have heard that breathing is good for the pelvic floor, or you may have received breathing exercises from a PT before. But why? Here I will dive into how the pelvic floor and breathing are intimately connected and why it’s important in your pelvic floor care.


Foot to Floor: How Your FOOT Mechanics May Be Contributing to Your Pelvic FLOOR Dysfunction

The human body is an intricate web of connections between seemingly unrelated parts that often reveal fascinating insights into our overall health and well-being. One such intriguing link exists between your pelvic floor and your foot mechanics. Although the feet are not directly connected to the pelvic floor, they are closely connected via bone and ligamentous structures...


Overcoming Hypermobility: My Journey with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Flexibility is often celebrated in the dance world. But for individuals with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), it can pose some unique challenges. My career as a Pilates Instructor and former ballet dancer has been marked by extraordinary flexibility coupled with a history of injuries. In my quest for a solution, I discovered the Redcord suspension system.


Dysautonomia: An Emotional Rollercoaster

Living with dysautonomia can be an emotional rollercoaster, as the condition's unpredictable nature constantly presents new challenges and obstacles to navigate. From the physical symptoms to the cognitive impairments and mood fluctuations, each day can bring a unique set of struggles. Coping with the uncertainty of how one will feel from moment to moment can lead to feelings of anxiety, frustration, and even depression.


Is Your Posture A Pain In The Neck?

As a McKenzie certified physical therapist, I work with a lot of patients experiencing neck and back pain, often exacerbated by postures held for long periods at the computer. One of the first things we address is postural correction. Sit in a relaxed posture, then pull your head up and back and chest up so you’re in an overcorrected posture, then back off about 10%.


Low Pressure Fitness: Pelvic Health 2.0

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a prevalent health concern that can impact people of all genders and ages. While there are several approaches to address this issue, one emerging practice that takes pelvic health to a new level is called Low Pressure Fitness (LPF). As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I will often implement LPF into my plans of care...


What’s The Best Way to Improve My Posture?

Posture has always been a hot topic of conversation in the physical therapy world. When I mention that I’m a PT, people often ask about their posture and what exercises will make it better. To be honest, this is a loaded question. There’s no one simple answer. If you asked 10 physical therapists, you’d probably get 10 different answers.


A Comprehensive Approach to Managing TMJ Dysfunction

I wrote this blog after hosting a Zoom call with various practitioners in the Denver area. The topic of discussion was how to manage TMJ Dysfunction. By combining some of the strategies listed below, you can take significant steps towards alleviating TMJ/TMD symptoms and regaining comfort in your daily life.


Hypopressives: A Holistic Approach to Pelvic Health, Postpartum Recovery, and so much more!

In the womens’ health and pelvic health worlds, there is a growing recognition of the importance of holistic approaches to address various issues, from pelvic pain and congestion to the challenges of peri/menopause and postpartum recovery. One of my favorite tools to implement for these concerns is hypopressives ("hypos" for short) and specifically the Low Pressure Fitness (LPF) movement system.


What Does It Mean To Have A Strong Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic floor strength is more than just the ability to squeeze the muscles while waiting in line for the bathroom. Pelvic floor muscle functioning is about a muscle’s ability to adapt and the amount of muscle activity it is able to generate and coordinate. So let’s dive into pelvic floor muscle functioning and adaptability in pelvic floor strength and overall pelvic health. 

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