Cally Holbrook


Provider Liaison

Cally Holbrook works at Activcore in Johns Creek, Georgia. As a Provider Liaison, she helps support the physical therapists with day-to-day administrative tasks as well as community outreach and marketing functions.

Cally holds a Bachelors degree in Business Management from the University of North Georgia. She was then employed for over a decade at State Farm Insurance Company. After raising her kids, she wanted to return to work in a field where she could help people and have an impact on their quality of life. So naturally she gravitated towards physical therapy and fitness.

Cally joined Activcore in 2023. She was impressed with how the physical therapists diagnose the root cause of each person's problem. Then they develop an individualized plan of care to rebalance their body.

When not at Activcore, Cally enjoys doing Pilates, traveling with her family, and attending her children's sporting events.

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