
Blogs for the Athlete

I Already Go To The Gym. What Can A Suspension Based Physical Therapist Do For Me?

The health and wellness industry has been receiving the attention and value it deserves over the last few decades. Whether we're talking about the hottest new workout, latest self-care trend, or coolest fitness gadget to add to our gym bag, the topic of health and wellness is on the forefront of everyone's minds. Therefore, it should come to no surprise that, as a physical therapist, I support an active lifestyle for myself and for my clients.


Return to Running Postpartum, PART 2: What Types of Stroller and Shoes Should I Use?

Running is a wonderful activity for a new or seasoned mom to burn off steam, get some aerobic exercise, and have time to yourself. However, there does come a time when running alone isn’t practical and you need to bring your little one with you. So you pull out that jogging stroller, tie up those running shoes, and start running down your block with baby in tow. Then you quickly realize this is a lot harder than you thought!


If I've Sustained A Concussion, Should I Be Concerned About Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?

Have you ever had a concussion? Even if you haven’t, chances are you've heard the term CTE. But what do we really know about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy? Is this something you should worry about if you've had a concussion?


What Is Happening Inside My Head During and After A Concussion?

Most people think that a concussion occurs when the brain comes in contact with the skull. However, this simply is not the case.


How Can A Physical Therapist Prepare Me For Performance Training?

Before starting a performance training program, it’s always best to go through the proper evaluations and preparations with a qualified movement expert, such as a physical therapist.


Squat Misconception #2: Deep Squats are Bad for the Knees

The squat as a foundational movement pattern and exercise is becoming more of a staple movement in physical rehabilitation, fitness and sports performance training. As this type of exercise gains in popularity, we should take a look at not only its benefits, but also its safety.


How Do I Prepare My Body for Snowboarding and Skiing? Exercise Tips to Stay Injury Free This Season.

It’s that time of year again for a lot of us here in Colorado when we dust off the ski boots, strap the snowboards to the roof, and head up to the mountains. Skiing and snowboarding both require a combination of strength, endurance, agility and balance to keep you upright as you head down the hill.


How Can Kettlebells Help You Every Day? 4 Kettlebell Exercises Fully Explained.

In a previous post, we discussed how kettlebells allow you to replicate many of the basic movements you make in everyday life. This type of strength training helps you re-establish natural movement patterns, learn how to handle unstable loads without thinking about it, and reduce the risk of injury.


Return to Running Postpartum, PART 1: How Do I Get Back To Running After Having a Baby?

You just had a baby, or maybe your child is grown — and now you have a desire to take up or get back into running. First off, congratulations. Taking any step towards leading an active lifestyle is a wonderful thing. Running can have a positive effect on your mental, physical and emotional well being!


Squat Misconception #1: My Knees Should Never Go Past My Toes

Keeping the knees behind the imaginary vertical line of the toes is a cue frequently given when instructing someone to squat. This “over-cue” may be the result of certain biomechanical studies — showing compression forces on the patella-femoral joint with a knees forward approach — that have since been extrapolated to all populations. What may be at issue here is the suggestion of a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching the squat.

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