Overcoming Hypermobility: My Journey with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Written by:
Wendy Adams
May 28, 2024

Flexibility is often celebrated in the dance world. But for individuals with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), it can pose some unique challenges. My career as a Pilates Instructor and former ballet dancer has been marked by extraordinary flexibility coupled with a history of injuries. In my quest for a solution, I discovered the Redcord suspension system. Developed by physiotherapists in Norway, this neuromuscular approach applies “zero-gravity” suspension exercises to engage the body's deep stabilizing muscles.

Redcord is a game changer for HSD and EDS. Not only has it strengthened my entire body, but it has given me (and my clients) a pain-free path to a stronger and more resilient self.

Hypermobility: A Blessing? Or a Curse?

I realized at a very young age that my body did things that were not quite “normal”. I could effortlessly perform all 3 splits, lie in the middle splits with my stomach flat to the ground (I called that my pancake stretch), and contort my body in ways that seemed impossible for others. Rather than feeling a stretch or restriction, my body seemed to move with unnatural ease. 

When I was around 9 or 10, a fall while roller skating resulted in a fractured arm. The doctor mentioned the possibility of a subluxed shoulder, a term that puzzled me at the time. He clarified that my shoulder likely momentarily popped out of its socket and then back in due to the nature of the way I fell. Following my recovery, I discovered I could voluntarily subluxate my right shoulder, a party trick that never failed to elicit reactions of horror and fascination from onlookers. 

My introduction to dance-related injuries came with a "pulled adductor," as my teacher diagnosed it. There was no clear cause for the sudden onset of pain; one moment in class, my hip felt "stuck," rendering me unable to walk. Even now, that hip continues to present challenges. If I neglect my stability and strengthening exercises for just a day or two, it threatens to "stick" again, making simple tasks like walking, climbing stairs, and bending over challenging endeavors.

As I grew older and immersed myself further in dance training, I began experiencing injuries more frequently. Despite being praised for my flexibility by dance teachers, I soon realized that my hypermobility came at a cost. The constant strain on my joints led to frequent setbacks, hindering both my progress and enjoyment of dance. 

Eventually, I made the difficult decision to step away from dancing altogether, as pushing my body to its extreme limits became unsustainable. Even after leaving the world of dance, the injuries and pain persisted throughout my early adulthood.

Pilates: My First Attempt to Build Stability

Recognizing the need for a more structured approach to my physical well-being, I turned to Pilates. Although initially challenging, Pilates provided some relief and improved my overall strength, thereby improving my stability. 

However, the susceptibility to injuries remained, especially when I attempted other workout routines. Whether lifting weights, attending a yoga class or even a few too many reps in a Pilates workout, I inevitably found myself dealing with injuries to my neck, back, hips, and shoulders. 

I never understood why more intense workouts would make me feel worse. My energy depleted and my neck and back would be killing me. After all, I was young and I worked in the fitness industry. I should be able to try all the new fad workouts with my friends…nope! That was always a recipe for pain and overwhelming fatigue. I now believe that it was related to dysautonomia that goes hand in hand with EDS. Check out this dysautonomia blog written by my colleague, Dr. Kelly Jones.

The constant fear of subluxations and herniations, accompanied by the recurring pain and fatigue, became a constant companion, presenting not only physical but also emotional challenges. It became increasingly apparent that I needed a holistic, effective, and long-term solution.

Redcord: A Long-Term Solution for Hypermobility

Enter the Redcord suspension system. A true game-changer in my fitness journey and life, Redcord utilizes suspension ropes and slings to engage the body's stabilizing muscles, promoting strength, stability, and neuromuscular control. Unlike traditional exercises, the Redcord system allows for controlled movements in a pain-free environment, making it an ideal choice for individuals with HSD and EDS.

Redcord has become my ally in building strength without exacerbating my hypermobility-related issues. The targeted exercises focus on stabilizing the joints and strengthening the muscles surrounding them, offering a unique blend of support and challenge. Consequently, I've experienced a significant reduction in injuries and a noticeable increase in overall strength. Not only did training on Redcord help with stability and strength, it was an extremely gentle workout that did not leave me feeling completely fatigued afterwards. 

How My Hypermobility Journey has Shaped my Career

My personal journey with Pilates and Redcord has not only transformed my own physical strength but has also shaped my career path. My experiences led me to become a certified Pilates in my 20s, and to add Redcord suspension training to my teaching certifications in 2010. This unique perspective allows me to more comprehensively assess clients’ movement patterns. The combination of teaching approaches allows me to gain insights and personalized guidance that transcend traditional, single-modality training methods. 

Over the years, I have encountered numerous individuals with similar stories, and I have found immense fulfillment in using my experiences to help others overcome their struggles and learn how to build strength safely, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives without the constant threat of pain and injury.

I hope that by sharing my experience, I can inspire others facing similar struggles to explore this innovative training method. As I continue to thrive in my fitness journey and training career, I am eager to continue assisting others and sharing my knowledge, helping those seeking a pain-free path to strength and resilience.

Need help? Contact me at Activcore in Denver, Colorado. I offer private and duet Pilates and Redcord instruction, and I can work closely with you and your EDS-focused medical providers to develop a sustainable training program to help you find stability and relief from hypermobility and EDS-related pain and injury. 

For more information on EDS and HSD, visit The Ehlers Danlos Society

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this post are based on the opinion of the author, unless otherwise noted, and should not be taken as personal medical advice. The information provided is intended to help readers make their own informed health and wellness decision.

Wendy Adams

Performance Specialist
Wendy Adams is a Peformance Specialist at Activcore with certifications in Pilates, Redcord, FMS and stretch therapy. She works at Activcore in Denver, Colorado, located just one mile from the popular Cherry Creek Shopping District.


Overcoming Hypermobility: My Journey with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Flexibility is often celebrated in the dance world. But for individuals with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), it can pose some unique challenges. My career as a Pilates Instructor and former ballet dancer has been marked by extraordinary flexibility coupled with a history of injuries. In my quest for a solution, I discovered the Redcord suspension system.