
Blogs about Strength Training

Tackling a Spartan Race at Age 50: Don’t Just Guess... Assess!

Because I’m a Performance Specialist at Activcore, I have a good sense of my own physical condition. Nonetheless, I knew that getting an outside, objective perspective from other professions would help me optimize my Spartan training plan.


Tackling A Spartan Race At Age 50: Creating Space for Race Training

I made the verbal commitment to join my friends for a Spartan race. I did not immediately purchase my ticket or start training with my team. Instead, I started testing the waters. My work and family schedule were pretty full, making a traditional training schedule feel out of reach.


Don’t Just Look Strong. Be Strong Functionally.

The kettlebell is a physical training tool that has given rise to a great selection of very functional strength training exercises. The shape of the kettlebell is a ball with a handle, which makes it functionally similar to objects that we carry in everyday life, such as luggage and grocery bags.


Physical Therapy Doesn’t Have to be Painful!

In my previous blog post I explained the science behind musculoskeletal pain and how Redcord is my secret weapon to overcome it. Today, I’m going to discuss one of the most important aspects of suspension based physical therapy: creating a "zero-gravity" environment so that you can move your joints through pain-free ranges of motion.


Integrating Physical Therapy and Fitness Training for Better Balance!

Balance is something often taken for granted until it is gone. Whether you suffer from a sudden physical injury or simply notice that things you used to do are getting harder over time, losing your balance can affect your quality of life. In some cases, it can even shorten your life.


Why Kegels Don’t Always Fix Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is when urine leaks while performing an action or activity. This can happen for many different reasons and here’s a hint: it’s not always weakness! There are three main factors that can be happening at the pelvic floor to cause stress incontinence: weakness, increased tone, or lack of coordination. Weakness can result after any injury or trauma to the pelvic floor, or just over time from dysfunctional movement patterns. If there is a lack of strength at the pelvic floor, that means there is not enough tension to combat pressures...


Gyro What? Understanding the Gyrotonic Expansion System

When Activcore and CORE merged earlier this year in Atlanta, we introduced a new movement method to our suite of services: the Gyrotonic Expansion System®. This system has two parts: 1) Gyrotonic® exercise which is performed on specialized equipment, and 2) Gyrokinesis® work which is performed on a chair and/or mat.‍ If you’ve been at Activcore lately, you might have seen the equipment in our back room. The Gyrotonic® equipment uses a system of weights and pulleys to simultaneously offload body weight, similar to the Redcord suspension system.


Exercise Demo: Redcord Hip Abduction with Bungee Support

In this video, I am performing a side-lying hip abduction (side plank) exercise utilizing the Redcord suspension system to assist me. This is an excellent way to target the hip abductors, and more specifically the gluteus medius! Research continues to grow discussing how important the hip abductors are for optimal function in sport and everyday life.


From Boxing to Breathing: The Many Functions of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

The serratus anterior is commonly referred to as the Boxer’s Muscle. It is a fan-shaped muscle that originates on the superolateral surfaces of ribs 1 to 8 (or even 9 in some people) at the lateral wall of the thorax, and inserts along the superior angle, medial border, and inferior angle of the scapula.‍ Given its anatomical location, origin and insertion, and extensive documentation, we know that the serratus anterior muscle is critical in healthy shoulder function.


How Should I Flatten My Abs During Exercise?

To keep the abs flat, you need core coordination. Your pelvic floor, transverse abdominus and thoracic diaphragm need to work together to keep the abdominals flat during exercise. Abdominal coning is when the abdomen bulges upward during an exercise. This points to a difficulty recruiting the deep abdominal muscles. We need the deep abdominal muscles to stabilize the spine and the pelvis.‍ If they are not firing at the right time, it can result in pain, movement dysfunction, and postural changes down the line.

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