Should I See A Physical Therapist During and After Pregnancy?

I would argue that most, if not all women, would absolutely benefit from physical therapy during and after pregnancy. Your abdomen and your pelvic floor undergo significant trauma throughout the 9-month pregnancy and birthing journey. Your muscles are stretched, atrophied, cut through, and scar tissue forms.


Working Out with your Menstrual Cycle

Have you ever felt stuck with your workout routine? Or felt that no amount of exercise can help you shed those last few pounds? ‍It might be time for you to consider syncing your workout routine to your menstrual cycle. As women, we are cyclical beings. Throughout about a 28-30ish day window, we are shifting and constantly changing. Our hormones, attitudes, and emotions are different each day.


Suspension Based Physical Therapy for Postpartum Pelvic Pain

For over 15 years, I've been teaching suspension based PT to physical therapists across the country. I have seen all different types of clinics incorporate the Redcord suspension system into their daily practice. During these classes, many pelvic floor physical therapists have exclaimed how great suspension exercise is for postpartum moms. I would hear this over and over again. But I didn't know exactly why.


Integrating PT and Fitness: Dr. Kate and Lillie

If you're an Activcore client, you probably already know that we combine physical therapy and fitness into a total body experience. This integrated approach helps you get and stay out of pain, age well, and feel empowered to be fully engaged in your life. Our team members frequently trade services because we know the power and efficacy of working as a team focused on your health and well being.


The (under-appreciated) Hip Adductors

When I first became a physical therapist, it seemed like all the rage in fitness and rehab was about strengthening one specific muscle or muscle group. For example, I would hear about the VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique) muscle and how “vital” it was for proper tracking of the knee cap when squatting. Or how the glutes were “key” to an effective golf swing. Or how the rhomboids had to be “strong” for good posture. In some cases these theories proved to have some level of validity. But in many cases they became outdated theories and a sign of limited evidence.


Unlock the Power of Integration: Performance + Physical Therapy

As we dive into the summer, our focus for this month is on how we work to seamlessly integrate physical therapy and fitness into our programs at Activcore. We're excited to introduce you to our incredible providers in both fields of practice, aiming to demystify the treatment process and highlight some essential elements of restoring and maintaining performance.


What Does It Mean To Have A Strong Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic floor strength is more than just the ability to squeeze the muscles while waiting in line for the bathroom. Pelvic floor muscle functioning is about a muscle’s ability to adapt and the amount of muscle activity it is able to generate and coordinate. So let’s dive into pelvic floor muscle functioning and adaptability in pelvic floor strength and overall pelvic health. 


Recovering from Shoulder Injury: How Pilates and Gyrotonic Exercise Can Help

Shoulder injuries can be debilitating, hindering our daily activities and compromising our overall well-being. Mindful exercise methods like Pilates and the Gyrotonic Expansion System® are a helpful addition to physical therapy. Both approaches focus on strength, balance, breathing, stability and mobility. But they differ in their principles and techniques.


Boost Your Bone Health with Kettlebell Training

As a Performance Specialist at Activcore, I frequently get questions from my clients about bone density and ways to improve it (or at least maintain it). Building strong, healthy bones is essential for overall well-being and longevity. While traditional weightlifting has long been associated with bone-building benefits, Kettlebell training offers a dynamic and effective alternative.


Best Treatment Options for Diastasis Recti

Have you been told you have a diastasis recti? Have you tried some DIY treatments but haven't been able to improve it? As a pelvic health physical therapist, there are several professional treatment options that I recommend: physical therapy, laser therapy, functional neurology, gut health, hypnosis, and/or abdominoplasty surgery (if necessary).

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